Sunday, 23 November 2008

Surprising Size Of Insomnia Drugs Market

Well, searching through the latest Insomnia news today and came across a very surprising statistic indeed... the size of the insomnia drugs market is simply eye watering - and forcast to grow!

The headline actually involved a 'slump' in 2007 - when the expiry of some profitable patents meant that the total market was $4.1 Billion. The forcast is that the total for insomnia drugs will be $6.9 billion by 2017 - with this growth restarting in 2009.

Now, apart from this being a huge amount of money, it raises questions for me about our dependency (as a society) on quick fixes... such as drugs. My view is that natural treatments, specifically relaxation / noise masking and so on are safer, cheaper and more effective in the long-run.


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