Sunday, 16 November 2008

Lack Of Sleep Linked To Heart Disease

A large-scale study in Japan's Jichi Medical Univserity has uncovered yet more evidence that lack of proper sleep is linked to disease.

While this study concentrated on Seniors (70+ age range) with high blood pressure, it is easy to imagine how a lower - yet still marked - effect can be seen for a variety of ailments and a variety of ages.

The finding was that of the 1200 people studied, there was a significant (statistically speaking) increase in heart-disease for those who had less than 7.5 hours sleep each night.

What surprises me is that there is no mention in the press releases or articles printed in the mainstream press about aging factors in the amount of sleep required. Does this indicate that those seniors who feel the need for less sleep should try to get more, or that this 7.5 hours should be in one go - or whether it can be broken into night / naps and still have beneficial effects.

Ah well, research is a wonderful and self-perpetuating thing... for every question answered there are two more asked!


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